Pain resulting from an injury or illness can be debilitating. It can complicate recovery and make the strategies a person has in place to cope with the illness or injury, and with life generally, ineffective.
We offer comprehensive Pain Management Programs that will identify the factors, such as depression, anxiety, inactivity, social withdrawal and overuse of medication, that result from, or may impact on pain levels, and the person's ability to participate fully in their daily life or in a RTW program. We then assist them to develop practical strategies to gain control over their pain.
Our services are provided by clinical and registered psychologists or occupational therapists experienced in the area of pain management. Programs can be tailored to include work conditioning and fitness programs for a holistic approach to managing pain to maximise health and return to work outcomes and improve quality of life in relation to personal relationships.
For more information on our Pain Management Programs, please call us or email an enquiry.