Fastrack Health is a licenced Rehabilitation Provider in NSW.
Occupational or workplace rehabilitation case management integrates injury and claims management in a multi-disciplinary approach to delivering a safe, durable return to work. At times a doctor or employer needs the assistance of a health professional to manage the RTW. The Agent/Insurer generally funds this service.
Fastrack Health takes a proactive, holistic and outcome focused approach to each case, ensuring we consider the whole person when identifying goals and strategies for return to work. Regular communication is central to our service delivery.
For each case, a rehabilitation plan is developed which identifies:
- The assessed needs of the claimant
- The goals or outcomes to be achieved
- The proposed interventions or strategies that can include and initial and workplace assessments, designing and monitoring of suitable duties, case conferences with doctors and treaters, functional capacity assessments, vocational assessments, job placement strategies
- The responsibilities of the key parties
- Time frames for achievement of the goals/desired outcomes
- Periodic evaluation and reporting
- Costs for the Agent/Insurer to generally fund.
Plans are developed through a collaborative approach and agreed by all parties eg, the injured or ill person, the treating medical practitioner, the treaters, the employer and the Agent/Insurer. This ensures that all parties are working towards the same outcome.
Workplace rehabilitation case management aims to provide a cost-effective, safe and durable return-to-work for an injured worker/ or person involved in a car accident/or if unwell with other types of illness (eg income protection).
For more information on please call us or email an enquiry.